Narrow Trees

Narrow trees are perfect for tight spaces, narrow or small gardens, driveway plantings, or natural hedging between houses. We carry a large selection of deciduous and evergreen varieties.

Narrow Deciduous Trees

NameMature SizeNotes
Aspen, Swedish Columnar40′ x 8-10′Yellow to orange fall color, seedless
Beech, Firespire20′ x 8-10′ Orange-red fall color
Birch, Dakota Pinnacle30-35′ x 8′White bark, gold fall color
Birch, Parkland Pillar40′ x 6-7′White bark, gold fall color
Crabapple, Gladiator18-20′ x 8-10′Bright pink flowers, purple foliage
Crabapple, Rejoice15-18′ x 10′Rose pink flowers, burgundy-green foliage
Crabapple, Velvet Pillar20′ x 10′Pink flowers, purple foliage
Ginkgo, Goldspire35-45′ x 8-12′Brilliant gold fall color
Maple, Apollo Sugar25-30′ x 10′Golden-orange fall color, low canopy
Maple, Armstrong40-50′ x 15′Yellow to red fall color, fast growing
Maple, Armstrong Gold40′ x 12′Consistent orange-gold fall color, fast growing
Maple, Crimson Sentry25′ x 15′Deep purple foliage turns maroon in fall
Oak, Kindred Spirit30-35′ x 6′Yellow to amber fall color
Viburnum, Nannyberry20′ x 8-10′White flowers, purple-red fall color

Narrow Evergreen Trees

NameMature SizeNotes
Cedar, Eastern Red30-40′ x 10-12′Very hardy, low maintenance
Pine, Prairie Statesman Swiss Stone25-30′ x 10-15′Silvery blue-green foliage
Pine, Stowe Pillar White15-20′ x 4-5′Blue-green foliage
Spruce, Baby Blue Eyes18-20′ x 8-10′Silvery blue foliage, slow growing
Spruce, Cupressina20-30′ x 8-10′Dark green foliage
Spruce, Whiskey Blue Hills15-20′ x 6-8′Blue foliage, slow growing 10’x6′ in 10yrs
Spruce, White Light10-14′ x 4-6′Medium green foliage
Spruce, White Weeping20-30′ x 4′Dark blue-green foliage, no staking required